
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines


1) The submission of articles is exclusively through the OJS (Open Journal System) platform. Authors must make their REGISTRATION and download the SUBMISSION TEMPLATE through LINK1, LINK2 or LINK3. No charges are made for the submission, processing or publication of articles. Submission of the manuscript can be done by HERE.

2) Articles submitted to RECADM must be unpublished nationally and internationally and not under evaluation for publication by another scientific periodical. In the event that the article is a book in preparation, the Editorial Board must be informed of the title and presumed date of the edition and the original publication in RECADM should be included in the book. Papers previously presented at congresses can be accepted, provided they are in final article format.

3) Submission of an article to RECADM implies immediate authorization of its publication, if accepted by the Journal, without any kind of remuneration or economic consideration.

4) Rights, including translation rights, are reserved. It is allowed to cite part of the articles without prior authorization, provided that the source is identified. Articles published in RECADM may be reprinted, in whole or in part, provided that authorization is obtained from the Editorial Board of the Journal and its author, as well as the source of original publication.

5) Articles and other contributions must be submitted in Portuguese and must present the ideas in a structured manner and in clear and objective language.

6) The content, style and appropriateness of the grammatical norms of the language of the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, and peer content reviews and grammatical revisions are recommended to professionals in the area prior to submitting the article.

7) RECADM adopts as standard the average publication of 6 articles per edited number, and may vary to the extent that different forms of scientific communication are incorporated or discontinued, as initially defined.

8) RECADM is published quarterly. Articles may be submitted to the Journal at any time of the year and, once approved, will be directed to publication in the edition that is on the agenda for publication in the journal's schedule.

9) Articles published by RECADM are exempt from any forms of collection to authors by submission, processing and publication. Likewise, access to published articles is free and open to any interested persons.

10) Contributions can be sent to any of the following areas:

- Administration of Information, Science and Technology;

- Production and Logistics Administration;

- Human resource Management;

- Administration of Specific Sectors;

- Financial management;

- Public and Government Administration;

- Social and Environmental Administration;

- Organizational behavior;

- Teaching and Research in Administration;

- Strategy in Organizations;

- Organizational Studies;

- Marketing.

11) Authors should indicate in the editor's comments the section to which they are submitting the article.

12) Only papers with more than three authors will be accepted that justify the real and effective contribution of all authors, especially due to the complexity of the study.

13) Authors, regardless of the co-authoring order, may submit up to two articles a year to RECADM, with a minimum of 6 months between them.

14) Authors with approved articles should be aware that they will be invited to contribute to future reviews of articles. Reciprocity among researchers is essential for the maintenance of science as an open system, especially in the open access model.Authors with approved articles should be aware that they will be invited to contribute to future article reviews. Reciprocity among researchers is essential for the maintenance of science as an open system, especially in the open access model.


1) Contributions to RECADM may not exceed 25 pages for articles, including tables, tables, graphs, illustrations, notes and bibliographical references.

2) Any identification of the author (s) in the submitted document is forbidden. Any information that identifies the author (s) or institutions / programs to which they belong must be removed from the body of the document before sending. All fields in the "Document Properties" must be deleted before sending the collaborations.

3) The abstract and the keywords of the article, in the original language of the paper and in English, should not exceed 150 words. They should be submitted along with the article, as specified in the SUBMISSION TEMPLATE. The abstract and the abstract should encompass: contextualization and definition of the objective; synthesis of the theoretical framework of reference; methodological procedures employed; main results; and conclusions of the work.

4) The formatting of the article should be standardized according to the following guidelines:

- The page setup should be A4 (29.7 x 21 cm) paper, with margins: top (3 cm), bottom (2 cm), left (3 cm) and right (2 cm).

- The text should be written in Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12, justified alignment, paragraph indentation of 1 cm and simple spacing between sentences.

- Titles should be separated from the text by a single space.

- Citations should be presented in the body of the text, including the author's last name, date of publication and page number (where applicable), according to the American Psychological Association (APA) standards. The guidelines can be found on the ANPAD website, in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

- Complete bibliographical references of the cited authors should be presented in alphabetical order, at the end of the text, according to the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA). The guidelines can be found on the ANPAD website, in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

- The inclusion of tables and figures, which comprise any forms of representation in the body of the text, must be carried out according to the APA norms, and present title and source, preceded or followed by brief exposition or commentary. The guidelines can be found on the ANPAD website, in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

- Explanatory notes should be used with restraint, indicated in the body of the text in numerical sequence and inserted in the footer of the pages in which they were used.

- Files must be sent in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF and must not exceed 2MB.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The contribution is unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal nor is it a book in preparation. Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor".

  2. Submission is free from third-party and authorial plagiarism (self-plagiarism), as well as from other practices considered dishonest by the academic community. All articles are verified using SafeAssign software, the results of which are communicated to the authors when there is any nonconformity.
  3. The article is written in Portuguese and presents the ideas in a structured way and in clear and objective language.
  4. The abstract and the keywords of the article, in the original language of the work, and the abstract and the keywords, in English, do not exceed 200 words and are adapted to the format indicated in the SUBMISSION TEMPLATE.
  5. The text does not exceed the limits of 25 pages in articles, including the tables and figures, notes and bibliographical references, and it was elaborated according to explicit guidelines in the SUBMISSION TEMPLATE (necessary to be logged in the system in order to access).
  6. The text follows the style standards, formatting standards and grammatical norms of the language in which it is written, described in Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  7. The text follows the style standards, formatting standards and grammatical norms of the language in which it is written, described in Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  8. The authorship identification of the work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criterion, if submitted for peer review (eg articles), according to instructions available in Securing the Peer Blind Assessment .
  9. The author (s) agree to assign the rights of use of the material submitted for publication to RECADM in the event that their work is approved by the Journal.

  10. Did the author (s) remember to indicate the subject area of the article in the Comments for the Editor field, Step 1 of the submission process? The listing of areas of interest can be found in the Rules for Submitting Articles.
  11. The article has up to three authors.
  12. None of the authors, regardless of the co-authoring order, submitted an article in the last 6 months to RECADM, nor did they submit two articles in the current year.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the sharing of work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Authors are authorized to take additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publish in institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes as well as increase the impact and the citation of the published work.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.