Jamille Barbosa Cavalcanti Pereira, Ana Paula de Almeida, Juliana Garcia Cordeiro, Marcia Macedo Junqueira Cestari, Leandro Queiroz Alencar, Ademar Luiz Mendonça Neto


This study aimed to investigate whether the organizational actions that offer resources for diversity (women in general, black people and people with disabilities) are perceived as fair. The theoretical framework used was based on the theory Multiprincípio Miller (1976). This theory holds that the distribution of resources can be considered fair not only based on the principle of equity / meritocracy, but also on the principles of equality which aims at a common destination for individuals and the principle of necessity which sees the distribution of resources as fair for one who has difficulties in satisfying your needs for yourself. To this end, it was conducted an exploratory study on the quantitative method. Data were obtained from a scale developed for this study. The sample consisted of 253 persons (52% women, 84% Caucasian and 94% without disabilities). Data analysis was based on the descriptive statistics and inferential. The results indicated that the actions under study are predominantly perceived as fair when based on the principle of equity, but there are differences of perception, considering the gender, race and whether or not people with disabilities, thus revealing important contributions for gender studies in organizational environment.


Organizational justice; Organizational distributive justice; Diversity



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