Reflexos da cultura brasileira nas expressões da dádiva em clubes de troca: o caso da II Feira Baiana De Economia Solidária

Eduardo Vivian da Cunha, Andréa Rodrigues Barbosa


The purpose of this study is to identify the representations of brazilian culture and the terms of the gifting in a exchange club occurred at “II Feira Baiana da Economia Solidária”. The analytical start point was built on Goudbout's concepts of gifting, DaMatta's particularities “casa e rua” (“home and street”) and Barbosa's studies of “jeitinho” (“brazilian way”). These cultural expressions were observed in the place of exchange, with some differences in the practices of gifting, caused especially by use of social money. It seems to exist a correlation among all these phenomena, especially when the subject is brazilian culture. The gifting tends to not emerge spontaneously in such context, but can be released by specific mechanisms. When it occurs, however, the gifting tends to be accompanied by the "brazilian way", because this is as a typical expression of this national culture.


brazilian culture; exchange club; gifting



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