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Artigo (Português (Brasil))Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of companies of the segment 'New Market' BM&FBovespa, on the adoption of environmental management practices in light of institutional theory. In summary, the specific objectives of the research analyzing the trend toward homogeneity and heterogeneity of environmental practices of firms, their relationship with the approach to environmental management and environmental pressures highlighted, giving particular attention to the construction industry. This is a descriptive, bibliographic and documentary research, from a qualitative approach. Data were obtained from the websites and annual reports of companies in 2009 and 2010. It was found that 66.7% of 123 companies in the 'New Market’ performs environmental management practices. With respect to environmental management approach, 58.5% of these companies are proactive, 28% reactive, and 13.4% preventive. It was found that the more proactive approach to environmental management, environmental pressures are more diverse, and the greater the possibility of isomorphism between the companies regarding the adoption of sustainable practices, as well as heterogeneity. In the analysis of the construction sector, it was found these outstanding opportunities, and the homogeneous and heterogeneous practices in this field and discussed in the detailed study.
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