Sérgio Silva Braga Júnior, Evandro Luiz Lopes, Dirceu da Silva, Sergio Luiz do Amaral Moretti


Despite the perceived quality of services provided by a company to be a topic of great interest, both in academia and business, it seems that the same is far from being exhausted. The large number of scientific research in this area is not enough to surprise, because many academics believe that the perceived quality is one of the main antecedents of consumer loyalty. Understanding there are still gaps in measurement scales of quality of service, Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz (1996) created and validated a scale with the breadth required to perform the measurement of the construct in all segments retailers which named RSQ Retail Service Quality. With the goal to demonstrate the applicability of scale RSQ in brazilian context surveys were carried out three with 690 consumers of three retail establishments of different formats. Data analysis, by means of structural equations modeling by partial least squares, indicated that the scale RSQ identified the five theoretical dimensions of perceived quality and that enabled the verification of major and minor relevance in each retail format. High coefficients of determination for dimensions Personal Interactions and Trust stood out in data analysis.



Perceived quality; retail service quality; retail



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