Cultura organizacional como elemento de controle: uma perspectiva antropológica

Gustavo Costa de Souza


This theoretical and empirical study aims to understand the culture as an element of control in the implementation of a programme of excellence in quality, safety, environmental and occupational health (QSMS). Based on a case study of a large Brazilian company, the authors identified points in organizational culture that limited the implementation of the programme. The concept of habitus, Pierre Bourdieu, helps us understand the culture not only as the state of mind, but also as a state body, which was in-corporated through daily practice. The concept of administrative fact, Guerreiro Ramos (1983), is also central to the analysis, since it identifies the rationality in which closes the speech of the subject. The methodology based on semiotics and analysis of speech has to understand the logical assumptions that gave basis for the action of individuals and structured their perception of reality. This approach also allowed us to conclude that the cultural dynamics and logic of force would need to be affected in order to broaden the perspective on the real from the subjects and, in fact, implement the program.


culture; control; safety; habitus; discourse analysis



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