O rigor científico em pesquisa quanto à fidelidade e à validade dos resultados obtidos: uma experiência da utilização da técnica qualitativa na prática avaliativa

Ana Lúcia Fontes de S. Vasconcelos, Ana Cristina Brito Arcoverde
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.20070602004


This paper’s object is to think about the scientific research rigidity understanding concerning to the its truthfulness and validity over the obtained results, going beyond the data precision. Its importance can be seen through the possibility of the productive sharing of its procedures and results. It uses the inductive method, with data collection and treatment techniques through direct and intensive observation, and semi-structured questionnaires, with scales to measure attitudes. The data analysis procedures, for patterned and structured matters, happens through the strategy of the statistical technique of the SPSS (Statistic Package for Social Science), utilizing standard deviation and frequency of distribution. For the analysis of the contents, a survey of the theject is tomes was held through the qualitative techniques of Idea Mapping and statistical analysis of the text, for qualitative and follow-up issues, by the ALCESTE, as well as the application of a non-parametric statistical test, named Wilcoxon signed-rank test, allowing us to compare the existing intervention before and after the accomplishment of the Program. The data results are shown by tables, charts and graphics, using the Excel software and the SPSS and ALCESTE platforms. The researh estrategy was built through a study of case of LSDP (Leadership and Social Development Program). It was concluded that exist an effective contribution to he knowledge, description and explanation of phenomenas when the technical utilization is complemental, which shows situations that were not put in the reality because they are in the individual and groups extent, being results influencers.


Alceste; Evaluation; Qualitative Techniques



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