Modelagem e simulação empresarial aplicada ao ensino da administração

Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez, Josué Vitor de Medeiros Júnior, Fernando Porfírio Soares de Oliveira


It presents a didactic methodology of modeling and simulation business, which includes activities of understanding organizational problems, construction of causal models and simulation models, using the simulation software business SIMADM. Through this methodology for determining the content taught in the classroom and/or distance disciplines in the course of administration, it is intended to encourage the pursuit of system thinking by the students and teachers, providing not only a simulation, but a dynamic to build the knowledge that enables the understanding of the interrelationship determinant in the behavior of systems and how decisions in specific parts of the system impact elsewhere, in time and space. So it is moving toward a pedagogical practice based on self-directed education in which students can not only assimilate concepts, but interact with them, in a experimentation exercise based on the construction of simulation models for a "reality" characterized by the complex dynamics.


Business Modeling and Simulation; Software SIMADM; System Thinking



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