A prática da gestão participativa em escolas municipais de Fortaleza

Lydia Maria Pinto Brito, Maria Eliane Alves Lobo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20080702002


This article treats of the research report about the theme of participative management in school organization, with the objective of investigating how the practice of the shared administration is perceived by its users: students, teachers, public workers, specialists, parents and  by managers themselves. The research carried out in 12 (twelve) schools, making interviews, observing and applying specific question forms, totaling 682 (six hundred and eighty two) participants, have verified that the participative management is still a model in the phase of learning. The discussion starts from a conception of  the model of school  management praised in Federal Law 9.394, in the Constitution of the State of Ceará, in  the Organic Law of the Municipality of Fortaleza, in the axis of the administrative reformation of the prefectural  Government of Fortaleza, in management staff capacitation and in the education and school management philosophical principles for the XXI century. The results, before the background of institutional and administration changes, lead to conclude that the subjects perceive under the influence of their educational base, values and culture.



Management; Education; Shared Management; Organizational Theory; Management Model



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