João Carlos da Cunha, Ludmilla Meyer Montenegro, Natália Rese, Simone Crocetti


The aim of this paper is the discussion of ideas related to the qualification of professionals committed with the sustainable practice, because the sustainability concept has been constantly used in the firms. It is an explorative qualitative study and the method used was the study of three cases in a Federal Institution of Higher Education at Paraná state. The data analysis was based on the principles of the paradigm and the conditional/consequential model of the grounded theory. The results indicate that the adoption of the sustainability concept in the professional practice is still a process in construction, due to the fact that there is little or almost no commitment with this concept in the studied cases. Some conclusions: (1) the students do not have a clear idea of what the sustainability concept means; (2) the construction of the sustainability notion as a social practice has a relevant path to be developed; and (3) the society needs to incorporate, effectively, the sustainability as an important notion.



Sustainability; social practice; teaching; professional qualification; sustainable education



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