André Francisco Alcântara Fagundes, Ricardo Teixeira Veiga, Danilo de Oliveira Sampaio, Caissa Veloso e Sousa, Élcio Eduardo de Paula Santana, José Edson Lara
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.2013004


The sport has been positioned as an important industry in the world economy. It is believed that the promotion of relevant sporting events that are scheduled to happen in Brazil, like the FIFA World Cup 2014, will provide a most significant development of this sector. Considering this fact, this research aims to understand the reasons that lead consumers to attend football stadiums, listing factors that may contribute to their greater satisfaction. For data collection three focus groups were held in Belo Horizonte-MG. As a result, it was found that the main reasons that lead the fans to attend the stadiums are: team preference; the importance of the match; social gatherings; accessibility to the tickets, and security assurance. Furthermore, it was possible to identify factors that contribute to satisfaction: outcome of the match be favorable to team preference; entertainment events; better services, fast and safe transport, and comfort of the stadium.


Sports consumer; Football stadiums; Sports marketing; Consumer behavior; Football



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