Mudança estratégica, esquemas interpretativos e contexto institucional: um estudo de caso longitudinal

Sandro A. Gonçalves


This paper deals with strategic change in one Brazilian organization on the basis of a theoretical framework of institutional approach. In the theoretical domain, the proposed framework of analysis of organizational change is constructed by articulating the concepts of cognition and interpretive schemes, in one hand, to the concepts of technical and institutional environments, on the other. In the empirical domain, a longitudinal evaluation of the process of change in one chosen organization a public bureaucracy, was carried out. Data evaluation clearly showed that strategic change in the public bureaucracy did occur as a result of the tight articulation between interpretive schemes and institutional context of reference. The results of the case studied allowed to conclude the proposed theoretical framework is suitable for analysis of organizational change in diverse institutional environments.


organizational change; institutional theory; cognition in organizations



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