Tais de Andrade, Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete, Tarízi Cioccari Gomes


The decision support systems have gained representation in the academic and professional environment. It leads to a need of understanding what has been published about the field. Thus, the objective of this work, which has an exploratory and descriptive nature, is to perform a mapping and content analysis under the decision support systems topic, represented by a set of scientific article. To achieve the goal we will use the Development Process Knowledge - Constructivist (Proknow-C). At the end of the paper, it was possible to select a Literature Portfolio (LP) composed of 12 scientific articles, and to this LP, recognize the highlighted journals, articles, authors and keywords related to the field. It was also possible to perform a content analysis on the material. Through analysis composed of six criteria established, we diagnosed that the most well succeeded paper fulfilled 3 of 6 criteria. Therefore, it was possible to find flaws in the literature and suggesting research opportunities for future works.


Performance Evaluation; Decision Support Systems; Proknow-C; Bibliometric Analysis; Systemic Analysis



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