Wesley Vieira Silva, Wevergton Junior Adão, June Allison W. Cruz, Jansen Maia Del Corso


The objective of this work is to present for an investment portfolio allocation taking into consideration long-term relations between financial assets and economy indexes. The observed data are from a time series of economic indicators, as well the financial market, encompassing the period of the Real Plan establishment. The gathered results assist in the understanding of decision structures from a Closed Pension Fund, generating information on the relations of long-term period from variables which can be used as parameters for probabilistic scenarios. All things considered, several tactics of investments are evaluated in terms of their performance throughout a 40-year projection. The validation of results is carried through by means of a statistical package S-Plus, allowing a deeper analysis over the strategy adopted, regarding the need of risks management, specifically those associated with the maintenance of the pension fund solvency.


Asset Liability Management (ALM); Pension Fund; Cointegration



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