Dalton de Sousa, Leandro Canton da Silva, Flávia Rezende Andrade Sousa


This paper analyzes the relationship between trust, value and loyalty in the retail pharmacies of Paranaíba (MS). It starts with the assumption that the long-term relationship with certain customers provides some strategic advantages for organizations. A survey was completed by 269 pharmacy customers between March and April 2012. Thirteen hypotheses were proposed; six hypotheses were confirmed, and seven were rejected. It was observed that the operational competence of the frontline employees leads to trust in those same employees, and that trust in the frontline employees leads to value and trust in the management policies and practices. It was also determined that the operational competence of the management policies and practices leads to trust in those management policies and practices, and that trust in the management policies and practices in turn leads to value. Finally, the perceived value relates positively and significantly with consumer loyalty.



rust; Value; Loyalty



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