Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos, Lisiane Celia Palma, Daiane Mulling Neutzling, Luis Carlos Zucatto, Luis Antonio Slongo


The sustainability issues have changed the strategic environment of companies facing many changes. One of these being related to changes in the consumer’s decision criteria that have begun to promising the green being acted to brands that have linked green principles. Since that the companies started to use communication strategies for their sustainable principles directly on the packaging of their products. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the impact of green communication on corporate identity and propensity to purchase. Therefore, we carried out a quasi-experimental study and with the factorial design of the order 2 (Packaging and Green Stamps) x 2 (Corporate Identity and Willingness to Purchase), manipulating the presence or absence of the type of appeal used (packaging or green stamps). As the main results of the study shows that corporate identity is perceived positively by both, the presence of seals for packaging as green - the former being more effective - which also affects, in a positive way, the propensity to buy.



Green communication; Propensity to purchase; Corporate identity



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