Ilse Maria Beuren, Mara Jaqueline Santore Utzig, Nilton Roberto Kloeppel


The Management Control System (MCS) has to provide to the managers information that will lead the organization to achieve its objectives. The adoption of international accounting standards resulted in companies changing accounting practices, motivating reformulations in MCS and discussions about their integration or not with the financial accounting system. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the integration of System Management Control on the effectiveness of the comptrollership of companies in the energy sector listed in BM&FBovespa, based on the research of Weißenberger and Angelkort (2011). Descriptive study with quantitative approach was carried out by surveying, and application of two questionnaires, one to managers and the other to the comtrollers of the companies, and complemented with a case study. The survey results show that the respondent companies have a high level of integration of the Management Control System. Also show that by increasing the consistency of the financial language diminishes the quality of the information provided by the controllers. It was also found no significant correlation between the quality of information and influence of the comptrollership in management decisions. It is concluded that the companies surveyed present a high level of integration of the Management Control System and that it impacts on the effectiveness of the comptrollership.


Integration; Management Control System; Consistency of language; Information quality; Influence on the Comptrollership



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