Vivianne Pereira Salas Roldan, Augusto Cézar de Aquino Cabral, Maria Naiula Monteiro Pessoa, Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, Sandra Maria dos Santos, Tereza Cristina Batista de Lima
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.2013022


The study examines the relationship between leadership style and the promotion of creative behavior in work teams of TV journalism in three companies TVs Ceará. It is qualitative and descriptive as to the purpose, being used a mixed strategy of analysis and data collection. The results of the quantitative analysis suggest that the transformational leadership style has a higher ratio on the performance of creative teams, than transactional leadership. The meeting stood out as the main strategy of transactional leadership, through which managers define and monitor the performance desired by the organization, given the risk management and operational creative. Mistakes are not tolerated in the context of television, generating punishments. Non-financial incentives such as training and ascension career are strategies to reward creative behavior, used by managers. Among the strategies for transformational leadership was found using the empowerment and encouragement to learning, which addresses the need for flexibility and autonomy in the production of news programs. Although all teams are classified as "dream team", seeking to go beyond the desired results, coexists conflicts related to stress, creative control of the process, differences in access to resources, power and prestige.


Leadership Style; Performance creative; TV Journalism



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