Antônia Mascênia Rodrigues Sousa, Alexandre Rabêlo Neto, Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele


This research questions the theory of planned behavior that behavioral beliefs model, normative beliefs and the beliefs of control to explain the behavior of the student through the different modalities of undergraduate courses offered by Private higher education Institution. The overall objective of the study is to analyze the behavior and beliefs of students about to take in relation to the elements that determine the choice of private institution of higher education from the perspective of the theory of Planned Behavior. We used a sample of 264 students, among high school students, specifically students of the third year, corresponding to the year decisive for the choice of universities which provide entrance exams.  The data were collected via a questionnaire composed of twenty-six issues, as well, for each group of beliefs was an elaborate series of questions in the form of a likert scale, five (05) degrees, ranging from a totally disagree with up to 5 totally agree. Data were analyzed through the exploratory factor analysis and structural equation model. The main beliefs perceived by students in the choice of an institution of higher education, are behavioral beliefs, which significantly influenced the behavioral intention.



Intention; Higher Education; Theory of Planned Behavior



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