José Henrique de Faria, Camila Bruning


This research presents the results and discussion of a case study in depth in which it sought to identify and analyze the evaluations of the production line workers of a company in the automotive sector, here named Gama, relative to its context, the experiences of pleasure and suffering and the costs and damages arising from the work. In this research it was possible to identify differences in the ratings between groups of workers of different ages and times. The analysis is based on the theory of Political Economy of Power to review the management and control technologies that make up the work, and the context of the Psychodynamics of the Work, to analyze the dynamics of grief, endurance, pleasure and illness of workers entered in this context. The research techniques used were of nature Qualitative-Quantitative, from the systematic observation and interviews, as well as through the application of the Inventory of Work and Risks of Illness – IWRI.



Pleasure and Suffering; Control Mechanisms; Management Technology; Power Relationships; Generation Conflicts at Work



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