Thiago Braga Martins, Roberta Feitosa de Lucena Cavalcante, José Milton de Sousa-Filho


This article aims to identify initiatives to address workforce (employees), focusing on the actions of corporate social responsibility, communicated on the Internet by companies classified in Great Place to Work 2013 Ceará Ranking. This paper focuses in discover how such companies considered "reference" in relationship with its employees, communicate their initiatives to internal stakeholders on their corporate websites, and to present a proposal for measuring and evaluating the content of disclosure on corporate websites initiatives for the internal audience. The research approach is quantitative and descriptive, to verify the occurrence of certain previously established indicators. With respect to data collection, it is a documentary research, telematic way, over the internet, in that it explores and analyzes the content of the websites of the 40 best companies to work in Ceará. The theoretical dimensions used for data analysis include the areas of corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation. It was found that the indicator was more referring is the announcement of awards received by good relationships with internal stakeholders (86.8 %) and the least were the gifts related to inclusive and affirmative practice for the developer, and the transparency and accountability (social report available) (15.8%).


Corporate social responsibility; Internet; Corporate reputation; Employees; Great Place to Work



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