Dusan Schreiber, Vânia Gisele Bessi


The organizational universe represents society, in all details, as a complex and multifaceted social relations environment. As a locus of professional and personal identification of individuals who interact, it can be interpreted as the environment where individual and group interests may be conflicting, in order to consolidate their position and access to resources. This paper, prepared on the results from a single case study and analysis of narratives, evidenced elements to allow comprehensive analysis of interpersonal relationships in the R & D area of a familiar industrial organization, in the south of the country. The analysis was constructed in comparison with the theoretical perspectives of the organizational culture, due to the relevance of the innovation management program instituted by the organization. The content of the narrative, drawn from indepth interviews with eleven technicians has provided evidence of the influence of interpersonal relationships in this area, on the criteria that guided the decisions regarding the allocation of resources and definition of the form of implementation of the research activities. It was possible to identify aspects of building interpersonal relationships, as well as the manifestation of behaviors based on the symbolic interpretation, which can contribute to the reflection on ways of management.


Social relations, Interpersonal relationships, Organizational culture, Family business



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