Ana Lúcia de Oliva Lima, Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Joselita Pancine Vigna


This research investigates whether the attitudes of chiefs and clients affects the satisfaction of sellers with their job. For this, the INDSALES Scale, written by Childers and Ferrell (1979), was used. Two dimensions were worked on this scale, the chiefs and the clients. From this dimensions, a questionnaire was build, involving three circumscriptions: the satisfaction with work, the attitude of chiefs and the attitudes of clients. Data collected from 255 sellers were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a model of multiple linear regression. The results of the study revealed that the satisfaction of the seller with his work is associated whether the chief put in practice the ideas that the sellers give on work, if the sellers do not suffered any injustice by the chiefs, and to the demonstration of confidence and understanding of their work by the customer. As conclusion, these results may help managers to define their policies of sales management considering the relations between chief and seller in order to improve the effectiveness of these relations.




Jobsatisfaction; Sales; INDSALES



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