Ana Sílvia Rocha Ipiranga, Carlos Dias Chaym, Felipe Gerhard Paula Sousa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.2016010


This paper aimed to rescue the socio-past plot to organize the translations networks for the first patent granted to the Universidade Estadual do Ceará. This is a fungicide developed in the R&D – Inovação Biotecnológica em Saúde from a byproduct of cashew hitherto non-commercial use by industries in the agrochemical sector, whose disposal is potentially polluting. We used the ActorNetwork Theory and, more specifically, the ANTi-History, which considers that the action of actornetworks is historically located. Thus, we have compiled documents in the archives related to the history of the patent, as well as interviews with key actors that unveiled multiple ANTi-historical practices intertwined in the present time, but referring to the past and the future simultaneously: i) scientific practices concerning the development of the patent, between these the networked-actors enlistment practices, clinical trials, and the patenting process; ii) historical practices that worked in the political constitution of the actors-in-networks such as fund-raising practices, the creation of an academic spin-off and reach the market.


ANTi-History; Socio-past; Actor-Network Theory; Translations; Biotechnology



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