Cooperative actions, learning and organizational strategies in interorganizational networks: A study in the local productive systems of software (LPS) in Paraná State, Brazil [doi: 10.21529/RECADM.2016012]
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Artigo (Português (Brasil))Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the cooperative actions of inter-organizational networks affect the strategy of organizations. Organizations that make up the software cluster of the state of Paraná were analyzed. Data analysis was performed by content analysis, which deals systematically and objectively with a set of techniques for the examination of messages. It was used in this work the theme as recording unit, enabling the thematic analysis, which is able to find "core meaning" in communications. It was conducted twelve interviews, six with those in charge of the governance of each cluster and six interviews with entrepreneurs indicated by managers in each of the studied networks. It was observed a tendency to influence collective actions in individual strategies by sharing experiences, knowledge and information search, facilitated by legitimate agency, in order to increase individual and collective performance of the participants.
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