Financial performance as a decision criterion of credit scoring models selection [doi: 10.21529/RECADM.2017004]

Rodrigo Alves Silva, Anderson Ara, Evandro Marcos Saidel Ribeiro


This paper aims to show the importance of the use of financial metrics in decision-making of credit scoring models selection. In order to achieve such, we considered an automatic approval system approach and we carried out a performance analysis of the financial metrics on the theoretical portfolios generated by seven credit scoring models based on main statistical learning techniques. The models were estimated on German Credit dataset and the results were analyzed based on four metrics: total accuracy, error cost, risk adjusted return on capital and Sharpe index. The results show that total accuracy, widely used as a criterion for selecting credit scoring models, is unable to select the most profitable model for the company, indicating the need to incorporate financial metrics into the credit scoring model selection process.


Credit risk; Model’s selection; Statistical learning



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