Fabiana Ferreira Silva, Edson Arlindo Silva, Valderí de Castro Alcântara, Raiane Ribeiro Machado, Luís César Dias Drumond, André Cezar de Souza


This study aimed to show in the current context the potentials and limitations surrounding the existing partnerships between the public and private organizations located in the Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais. At the discussion were incorporated elements that can characterize actions and initiatives between the public and private, aimed at developing the area searched. For this, information resultant of the Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico of the State of Minas Gerais (ZEE-MG) contributed significantly to data analysis and information collected. In this context, it was possible to identify great potential for development of agribusiness, in addition to the wealth of water region, serving as a parameter to consider while sustainable development. Therefore, several institutional components were investigated in 31 municipalities belonging to the Alto Paranaíba and can be viewed as potential generators of public policies and partnerships towards the sustainability of the region. The results pointed to scenarios of potential and limitations, challenges and expectations, but attention to the continuous and uninterrupted monitoring of the environment of the region. The considerations of the study allow us to highlight in the foreground the social function of the organizations studied, especially in relations by means of collective or institutional networks and second, some evidence found so far, allowed the incorporation of new issues and goals specific to the study, and contributing now to further environmental issues.



Sustainable Development; Public and private institutions; Alto Paranaíba



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