Knowledge, creativity and organizational performance: An investigation in information and comunication technology companies [doi: 10.21529/RECADM.2017013]

Rafaele Matte Wojahn, Gregório Jean Varvakis Rados, Dorzeli Salete Trzeciak


The present study aimed to identify the impact of knowledge management strategies and processes on creativity and organizational performance in information and communication technology companies. The analyzed structure and resources for management knowledge were the following: socialization, outsourcing, combination and internalisation process systems. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, using the frequency analysis for the presentation of sample, and the multiple linear regression technique, in order to test the relationship and the effect of the research constructs. The population of the comprehensive research of information and communication technology was from the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo. The results demonstrate that the person’s orientation is not predictive of the "combination"' process, as the system orientation does not impact on the "externalization" process. As for knowledge management processes, only the combination impacts on creativity and have a positive effect, with low percentual on organizational performance.


Knowledge management; Creativity; Organizational performance



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