Motivators to The Sharing of Tactic Knowledge in Intensive Organizations in Knowledge

Patrícia Fernanda Dorow, Dorzeli Salete Trzeciak, Gregório Jean Varvakis Rados


The objective of this research is to highlight the motivators for the sharing of tacit knowledge, according to the perception of radiologists belonging to groups of works from intensive organizations in knowledge. It is an applied research, with a qualitative and descriptive approach. As a technical procedure for its accomplishment, it used the multicaso study, having as research universe three intensive organizations in knowledge of Santa Catarina. The observation and interviews were used for the data collection, proceeded by the analysis of the data, guided by the thematic analysis. The results show that intrinsic motivation, the physical environment, the form of interaction and recognition act in the creation of trust are indispensable factors for the sharing of tacit knowledge. It is concluded that direct feedback and appropriate practices, such as peer review, storytelling, knowledge mapping and mentoring act on the creation of a reciprocal cooperation and belonging behavior, which favors the sharing of tacit knowledge.


knowledge; sharing of tacit knowledge; organizational learning; motivation



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