Tecnología de información y ventaja competitiva: el caso de los sistemas ERP en Chile

Patricio Ramírez C., Rosario García C.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.20070601002


This paper presents an examination of the factors of successful integration of information technology, such as ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), and which of these factors can generate a sustainable competitive advantage for the company. The analysis was based on an empirical study that researched the phenomenon of successful implementation of ERP systems in 72 large companies in Chile and contrasted it with a model proposed by the authors, using the technique of structural equation modeling PLS (Partial Least Square). Based on the conceptual approach of resource-based view, research findings indicate that learning and readiness for change (in conjunction with other factors to the success of an ERP system and his own ERP) can be sources a sustainable competitive advantage.


Chile; Information Technology; Resource-Based View



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