The prosumer’s will of power: an analysis of the will and willpower in the potterheads practices

Flávia Zimmerle da Nóbrega Costa, André Luiz Maranhão de Souza-Leão


The information society has introduced interconnected living conditions, transformed the ways of sociability and economic and cultural exchanges. In this scenario, cultural texts of fans communities have appeared. Harry Potter has become a powerful contemporary cultural text, and, despite the end of the saga, the fans remain active. Understanding them as productive consumers, we take the Deleuzian thought to assume their body to be established and boosted by a process in which the will to power is a force operated by the relational space of affection and the temporal space of memory. Based on this, the research was guided by the following investigative question: how potterheads’ productive consumption is characterized concerning its will to power? To undergone it, we adopted the Foucauldian Discourse Analysis, based on a documentary data archive collected on digital media. The research revealed a discursive formation as how the will to power of potterheads fluctuates according to the nature of their ideas, which depend on the selection of meetings that they do, such as: ideas that affirm themselves as sadness make them oscillate negatively in their will to power, which varies positively through ideas affirmed as joy.


potterheads; prosumption; will to power; Deleuze



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