Do the reward and the promotion policies influence the worker’s motivation?

Marcio Gonçalves de Pinho, Tara Keshar Nanda Baidya, Marta Correa Dalbem, Eduardo Henrique de Sousa Salvino


This paper studies the influence of reward and promotion policy on worker motivation, both intrinsic, understood as belonging to the individual, and extrinsic, seen in the literature as dependent on interventions or external incentives linked to work. In this research, we seek to analyze the level of motivation of the worker under these two concepts, which are the dependent variables. The literature review adresses theories with important discussions about motivation at work, as well as the characteristics used in the rules of a worker's reward and promotion policy, being Transparency, Justice and Controllability, which are the independent variables. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. They were examined through factorial analysis and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the justice used in the rules of monetary reward is a characteristic that exerts influence in both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The controllability of the promotion system exerts influence on the extrinsic motivation. However, other variables did not reach statistical significance. This work allowed us to confirm theoretical discussions. Also, it offered a model of analysis with practical and managerial visions of the organizational daily life.


extrinsic motivation; intrinsic motivation; job satisfaction; reward policy; labor economics



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