Contributions of Social Entrepreneurship to Increase the Participation of Women in the Labor Market

Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete, Tais de Andrade, Vivian Flores Costa


The objective of the study is to examine the prospect of coordinators and members of collective enterprises members of a Brazilian social incubator about the contributions of social entrepreneurship with the female increase in the participation of women in the labor market. We conducted a descriptive and qualitative research. The analysis of the context was defined a priori by defined categories, based on a theoretical model that contemplates the dimensions: human capital, will and viability, social capital, social and institutional environment actors. The categories defined a posteriori contemplated the following categories: empowerment, recovery and personal fulfillment. Regarding women's inclusion in the labor market, the results reflected some difficulties faced by women who participate in projects, with highlights to the lack of qualification, opportunities and participation in the formal market. For many interviewees, these projects represented the first opportunity for inclusion in the labor market.


Social Entrepreneurship; Women Inclusion; Social incubator



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