Product Image Configuration in The Apartment’s Buyers Perception

Deonir De Toni, Maurício Caetano Nedeff, Gabriel Sperandio Milan, Ana Paula Graciola


The apartment’s image composes a complex and multidimensional construct, based on the buyers’ perceptions, concerning symbolic and utilitarian meanings. This research seeks to verify how the product image is configured, an apartment, is set from buyers’ viewpoint, as well as the impact of this image upon buying intentions. Based on the Image Configuration Method, the central concept of an apartment was identified. The results suggest that an apartment can be defined as a dwelling that provides safety, practicality and well-being alongside with privacy and collectivity. The second research stage consisted of the exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis and the structural equation modeling. It was possible to verify that symbolic and sensorial meanings did not impact on purchase intentions. On the other hand, the emotional and functional meanings impact on buying intentions. Therefore, this research presented theoretical contributions, based on different methods that support the image configuration, as well as a contribution to the management of real estate industry. 


Image Configuration Method; Symbolic and Sensorial Meaning; Utilitarian and functional Meaning; Apartment Image



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