Analysis of Factors That Influence of The Use of M-Commerce by Americans of the Millennial Generation

Mauricio do Nascimento Perini, Fernanda Lazzari, Luciene Eberle, Gabriel Sperandio Milan


Over the last few years, there has been an increase in m-commerce (mobile commerce) sales by means of smartphones, which has had a significant impact on the electronic commerce of the countries. Thus, there is a need to investigate the factors that influence users’ Intention to Use m-commerce. Through an adaptation of the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model, this study looked at the factors that affect the Usage Intention of Americans. The results reaffirm the relationship between the Expectation of Performance and the Facilitating Conditions in the Intention to Use. Besides, it confirmed the relationship between the Expectation of Performance and the Expectation of Effort, as well as between the Expectations of Effort in the Facilitating Conditions. Finally, it presents the moderating effect of age between social influence and the Intention to Use mobile m-commerce.


e-commerce; m-commerce; UTAUT; intention of use; technology adoption



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