Arnaldo Rosa de Andrade
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5329/RECADM.20060502006


The literature on administration mostly contains approaches that consider the key to an organization’s success resides in its adaptation to the conditions of the external environment. Thus, according to this focus, strategies must be devised that begin with external factors like the degree of attraction and positioning of the organization within the sector. While this understanding is largely widespread and accepted by the majority of executives and scholars in the area of strategic administration, it has been confronted by the theory of resources and capacities. This theory proposes an alternative vision in which strategies must be devised starting with the ‘stocks’ of internal resources and capacities within the organization, and not starting from an analysis of the external environment. Therefore, this article approaches the foundations of this theory and discusses its application in the University environment, proposing a model for devising strategies starting with the organizational resources and capacities of university institutions.


Capacities; Resources; University



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