Expatriation and Organizational Learning Processes: a multiple case study

Ana Virgínia Alberici Giordani Bertolini, Fabiano Larentis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.2019009


By considering globalization as an alliance with the expansion of organizations' strategies in the internationalization of their businesses, the expatriation of employees emerges as a people management resource and, thus, offers benefits for companies and for the professional and personal growth of individuals. This article aimed to analyze the contribution of expatriation to organizational learning processes. A multi-case study was developed with the participation of four export companies from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, through interviews with employees who were already expatriates or who are still in the process of expatriation, as well as observation and documents. As results, it can be observed that the expatriation tends to trigger organizational learning processes that are embedded in the daily activities of the individual. It has been identified that employees learned from their experiences how to face a problem or challenge through reflection, interaction and collaboration with colleagues. In addition, with expatriation, the expatriate sees his or her own culture in a new perspective, becomes aware of other organizational cultures and identifies new ways of dealing with people.


organizational learning; expatriation; learning processes; learning ways



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