Ricardo Teixeira Veiga, Deborah de Oliveira Santos, Tales Sarmento Lacerda


A survey, based on Theory of Planned Behavior (AJZEN, 1985), was applied to two samples – one of an environmental association members (N = 54) and another with scholars of a masters’ school (N = 40). This paper studied the behavioral antecedents of intention to use ecological cosmetics and this industry’s policies related to environmental protection. Despite the exploratory profile of this research, results seem to support TPB on comprehension of attitudinal and cognition constructs that explain the target behavior. As a result, an intervention plan was suggested in order to increase intentions to consume ecological cosmetics. However, it’s necessary to collect more data to examine theoretical aspects like relationship between beliefs and attitudes, and to evaluate more accurately if the theory needs to be extended.


behavioral intentions; consumer behavior; Theory of Planned Behavior



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