Reflections of Social Media on The Organizational Culture of The Military Police

Mirian Assumpcao e Lima


Isolation from the civil world is an important cultural trait of organizations of military nature. This isolation influences or relates to other traits, such as: distrust, sense of mission, and formality. Thus, it becomes difficult to think about the use of information and communication technologies that allow members of these organizations to intensify their interaction with the community. In this study, we investigated the implementation process of social media by the Polícia Militar of Minas Gerais in order to understand the influence of these tools in its organizational culture. An instrumental qualitative case study was conducted through a constructionist approach in order to analyze discursive practices. The results pointed to two interpretive repertoires: “WhatsApp is the police officer’s media” and “Facebook is the police’s media”. These repertories are characterized by a lesser disposition for public exposure by the police and a greater institutional exposure in search of a positive public image.


organizational culture; social media; military police; discursive practices; interpretative repertoire



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