Strategy as Practice in Different Rhythms: A Study of Strategizing in Musical Bands

Marlos Vinícius Oliveira Ramos, Jacquelaine Florindo Borges


This article proposes a dialogue between strategy as a social practice and cultural studies, specifically the articulation between styles and identities, using the following question: how do style practices shape the strategizing of musical bands? In order to achieve such, field research was carried out with 11 musical bands, guided by the method of multiple cases and a qualitative approach. The data were collected through interviews with musicians and managers, documentary research on websites and photo/image analysis of the bands. The results show the bands develop four core strategic practices: (a) sound identity; (b) aesthetic identity; (c) collective identities and abilities of the musicians (formation and composition of the band); and (d) economic identity (growth and popularization of the band). These practices are conducted through interactive, behavioural/communication routines, learning procedures and use of management tools. It is in the flow of these practices that the artistic strategy of the band is formed: a collection of actions and instruments aimed at artistic recognition and business results in the cultural context of the time. The research shows that the cultural approach of strategizing is a promising way to connect different levels of analysis and research themes that are still not common in the studies of strategy as a social practice: cultural practices of style and interactions between individual and collective identities in cultural organizations and manifestations.


strategy as practice; strategizing; organizational identity; musical organization



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