Police organizations and technologies: proposal for a research agenda in organizational studies

Fernando Ressetti Pinheiro Marques Vianna, Gustavo Matarazzo Rezende, Rafael Alcadipani
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.2022001


This theoretical essay has the central aim of thinking about the possibilities of studies that the adoption of technologies in police organizations, also called as extreme work organization, may propose to the field of Organizational Studies. To this end, we present police organizations through international and national histories as political organizations that are part of the public apparatus. From this initial argument, we discuss the tension between the police organization and the adoption of technologies as a form of legitimation. Subsequently, we indicate as a basis for reflection four technologies in contemporary police practice: cameras, facial recognition, Big Data and genetic mapping. With the analysis of these technologies and the most recent information about the possibilities adopted by the police, we suggest a research agenda within Organizational Studies through three fronts: rationalization and technological solutions; surveillance, race and gender; surveillance capitalism and the dark side of digitalization.


technologies; police; organizational studies



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