Reordering the status of alembic cachaça: an approach from the perspective of institutional work theory

Daniel Calbino, Mozar José de Brito, Valéria da Glória Pereira Brito


This article aims to investigate how the institutional practices that reordered the status of the still cachaça in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, occurred. Through a qualitative research, data from four decades (1982-2020) of institutional work in the cachaça Minas Gerais branch were used. The information was collected through documentary research and interviews that were treated by thematic analysis. From the articulation of a heterogeneous group of actors, it was possible to register how the dynamics of the status changed over time. The practices required from the actors not only personal efforts in the routines of the field, but the involvement in broader actions, such as changes in the political, technical, and cultural levels. It became evident that the institutional work carried out by actors in the cachaça branch changed the status of the drink, by shifting from a position of low social prestige to become a reference in the quality of the distillate both nationally and internationally. In conclusion, the study provided theoretical support that helped to explain how status’ changes can occur in market dynamics, as well as providing elements that evidence the reorganization of status at the macro-organizational level.


alembic cachaça; status; category change; qualitative research



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