Determinants of entrepreneurial orientation in public universities in Northeast Brazil

Simone Freitas Araújo Lima, Rivanda Meira Teixeira, Moisés Araújo Almeida


Since the 1980s, a growing number of universities, as part of their mission, has started to assume internal transformations in order to adapt to external conditions and to legitimize their role in the economy, giving rise to a new type of university: the entrepreneurial university. This study analyzed the determinants of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in federal public universities in the Northeast region of Brazil through the use of the ENTRE-U scale, developed by the authors Todorovic, McNaughton and Guild (2011), having as a construct the dimensions called mobilization of research, non-conventionality, collaboration with the productive sector and university policy. This scale was created specifically to analyze EO in public universities. The quantitative methodology and the survey research method were used. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and the results pointed out, among other aspects, the research mobilization dimension that best represented the EO and whose practices focus on student involvement to participate in applied research. 


entrepreneurial universities; entrepreneurial orientation; public universities



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