Prazer, sofrimento e saúde mental no trabalho de teleatendimento

Ana Magnólia Bezerra Mendes, Adriana Pinho Vieira, Carla Faria Morrone


This study, a descriptive and explanatory one, investigates the health of telesales at work, by the supported of the psychodynamic approaching. It investigates the suffering, the pleasure and the sickness risks of the workers in confrontation with service context. The study was made in a customer service of telecommunications' company being led through a quantitative and qualitative approaching. In the quantitative stage 396 workers participated. Were used two scales - SSPW  (Scale of Suffering-Pleasure in the Work) and SSRW (Scale of Symptoms Related to Work). In the qualitative stage were made 02 semi-structured interviews in group with 09 telesales workers. The quantitative results indicates moderate existences of suffering-pleasure with the prevalence of existence pleasure. The physical symptoms and psychosocial are inside the average. The interviews in groups indicated five synthesis categories: "The attendance is always the same thing, we are getting tired"; "The company doesn't have concerns about the employees"; "What is unexpected is the customer's temper"; "what motivates us, besides needs is finding the co-workers"; "After I started here, I always have headache". Based on the data was possible to verify that the telesales live suffering and pleasure, that the company's rigidity, allied to precarious working conditions favors the suffering, exposing the workers to run the risk of getting sick. The suffering is faced through the use of defensive and compensation strategies. This data shows that this job can result more psychological and physical damage then socials ones.



Suffering-pleasure; health; sickness risks; mediation strategies; telesales



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