Administração de luvas brancas: uma leitura das interpretações sobre as manifestações culturais em um hospital

Luciana Resende Ávila, Raquel Cristina Radamés de Sá, Valdir Machado Valadão Júnior


The aim of this research was to elucidate how the actors of a hospital interpret the cultural manifestations of this organization, under the focus of the integration, differentiation and fragmentation perspectives. The approach was qualitative and descriptive. As a research procedure it was applied the ethnographic method. The techniques of research for data collection were the documentary research, observation, participant observation and focused interviews. For the data analysis it was used the technique of content analysis, speech analysis and data triangulation. The object of study was a private hospital targeted to a particular area of medicine. From a general analysis, it could be verified from the integration perspective the sharing of interpretations of the different actors on the cultural manifestations that arise in the hospital. It was also evident the incidence of differentiation and fragmentation elements in those interpretations. This provides evidence that even in harmonic environment the differences arise and the elements of fragmentation can also be found.




Administration; interpretative anthropology; organizational culture



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