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Artigo (Português (Brasil))Abstract
of investment and the intensive participation in firms, it’s not a simple task to evaluate IT investments. This
question was highly emphasized after the discovers, at macroeconomic level, that USA invested heavily in IT,
yet productivity growth slowed, originating the so called productivity paradox. The questions that follows about
what was the return from IT to the firms and how to measure it have passed from quantitative to qualitative
perspectives along the years. However, it wasn’t a consensus about the returns from IT to firms and not even
about how to measure it, yet some possible reasons for the problem were developed. A descriptive and
exploratory research based on a literature review, allowed evidencing that the manager decision making about
TI investment is difficult, due to the dimensions that have to be taken into account and the quantity of
measurement techniques that make it a complex task. Thus the use of hybrid techniques, like the balanced
scorecard, could be a possible solution, allowing the manager take more coherent decisions related to this
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