Franciara Maria de Oliveira


A profile of the strategies of Corporate Social Responsibility adopted by companies in Brazil is the main objective
of this work. It was used as study universe the 231 Concrete Cases filled of spontaneous form for the
companies registered in the web page of the Ethos Institute of Company and Social Responsibility (Ethos
Institute). The cases had been analyzed by the German software of analysis of qualitative data called Atlas.ti
5.0, under the methodical approach of the six variable adopted for Kotler and Lee (2005) in Corporate Social
Responsability: doing the most good for your company and your cause, as strategies to reach it Corporate
Social Responsibility. The analyzed strategies are: Corporate Social marketing, Cause-Related Marketing,
Cause Promotion, Corporate Philanthropy, Community Volunteering and Socially Responsible Business
Practices. It is perceived that the majority of the companies who had still divulged its strategies of Social
Responsibility does not have the full perception of the use of these strategies, has seen that the great majority
still is classified with Socially Responsible Business Practices, come after that the Corporate Social marketing,
Corporate Philanthropy, Community Volunteering, Cause Promotion and Cause-Related Marketing.


Corporate Social Responsibility; Marketing; Strategies



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