Augusto César Barreto Rocha
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.20060501007


This work propose a model to map the enterprise strategy called Web of Relations, which intends to transpose
the traditional Cartesians’ vision, centered in the comprehension of mechanical elements which interacts each
other (parts vision, supported by Newton), to the ecological vision, where the attention focus are the relations. To
this intent makes an analysis of the relations importance in our days. Follows by some aspects analysis most
relevant in the paradigm of Cartesians’ mapping, in enterprise strategy. Based on previous sections, propose an
abstraction of organizational strategy called Web of Relations, which uses the hypothesis of one company inherit
the life character. Concludes by the model and proposes future works and researches to validate and investigate
the subject.


strategy; web of relations; strategy mapping



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