Empreendedores e inovação: contribuições para a estratégia do empreendimento

Mauricio Henrique Benedetti, Karina Maria Rodrigues Rebello, Daniela Ester Copolo Reyes
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21529/RECADM.20060501005


The interest for the entrepreneurship and the innovation has been increasing in the last years, could be
mentioned the crescent number of publications and the space opening for discussion in important administration
congress. Such verification motivated the exploratory research presented in this article with the entrepreneurs of
the bread-making sector in São Paulo city that implemented innovations in their businesses accomplished close
to, converting their bakeries of a traditional model for the convenience model. The results obtained from
interviews with those entrepreneurs showed that the generation process and implantation of continuous
innovations is motivated by the search by competitive advantages. As main source of resources of the
innovation process in those small businesses, was the own capacity and the entrepreneur's personality, starting
from his knowledge, ambition, vision, optimism and propensity in working with the inherent risks to the


Innovation; entrepreneurship; strategy



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