André S. de Souza


This article evaluates and measures the accumulation of technological competence in a company that
makes projects for warehouses, this study was done before the process of technology transfer (1998-
2001) and during this process (2002 -2005). Thus, based on a study of individual case, this work
identified the mechanism and strategy for technology transfer agreement between the matrix and
subsidiary, the technology functions and activities developed by the recipient and, finally, the critical
factors involved in this process. The examination of the accumulation of technological skills was
conducted based on a structure analytical existing in the literature. The results showed that the effort
planned, organized, controlled and continuous for the generation and dissemination of knowledge has
enabled the company to accelerate the process of accumulation of technological skills promoting the
conversion of this knowledge of the individual level to the organizational level, moreover, also enabled
the identification of barriers and facilitators involved in the process.


technology; technology capabilities and technology transfer



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